Writing and Photography


I’m a voice crying in the wilderness,

but my words are carried off by the wind.

None will heed or hear, yet I must speak out.

Cowards hide behind their intentions,

their philosophies, their religions.

These are the delusions; the lies we tell ourselves

to rationalize, and justify our acts of good or evil.

The road to hell is paved by good-intentions.

As human beings we are, and must be, judged by our actions,

not by our intentions.  

This is the only truth.

I don’t care what your intentions are, your politics, or beliefs.

I reject your words and acts of hatred.

I reject all you creatures of hate.

When you take hate into your heart, hate fills your mind, 

and you live, die and exist only to serve that hate.

Hate has no color, no gender, no politics, nor religion…hate is death.

Hate feeds hate and is sated only by blood.

Hate is the fire that incinerates the soul.

I don’t care if you’re a white supremacist, or a black supremacist;

conservative, or liberal;

chauvinist, or feminist;

Christian, Muslim or Jewish.

I reject any who is offended by, 

and hate any, who is not one of them.

Fighting hate with hate, only makes you a creature of hate.

Love is the willingness to take responsibility for someone or something, 

the people in your life or the world you live in. 

Love has no color, no gender, no politics, nor religion…love is life.

Love feeds love and is never sated or hungry.

Love is the womb that nurtures the soul.

I am a human being! I will be judged by my actions;

how I live my life, treat those who travel with me on this world.

I reject color and gender and any religion or philosophy that excludes based

solely on the expression of their faith or beliefs.

After all, that is all any religion is; an expression of faith.

If there is a God, that universal spirit or consciousness within us all,

God existed long before human beings created religion. 

And God will exist long after we allow religion to destroy us. 

No doubt these words sound childish to many,

maybe you should examine your heart if you think so.

If I am childish, then please let me be a child.

Let me be a child in a world where a child need not cry in fear;

surrounded by images and atrocities of hate 

committed in the name of race, gender or god.

I’m a voice crying in the wilderness,

but my words are carried off by the wind.

None will heed or hear, yet I must speak out.

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